Vesicoureteral Reflux

  1. General information
    1. Regurgitation of urine from the bladder into the ureters due to faulty valve mechanism at the vesicoureteral junction
    2. Predisposes child to
      1. UTIs from urine stasis
      2. Pyelonephritis from chronic UTIs
      3. Hydronephrosis from increased pressure on renal pelvis
  2. Assessment findings: same as for urinary tract infections
  3. Nursing interventions for surgical reimplantation of ureters
    1. Assist with preoperative studies as needed (IVP, voiding cystourethrogram, cystoscopy).
    2. Provide postoperative care.
      1. Monitor drains; may have one from bladder and one from each ureter (ureteral stents).
      2. Check output from all drains (expect bloody drainage initially) and record carefully.
      3. Observe drainage from abdominal dressing; note color, amount, frequency.
      4. Administer medication for bladder spasms as ordered.