
  1. General information
    1. Dermatomycosis due to various species of fungus
    2. Infected sites include
      1. Scalp (tinea capitis)
      2. Body (tinea corporis)
      3. Feet (tinea pedis or athlete's foot)
    3. May be transmitted from person to person or acquired from animals or soil
  2. Assessment findings
    1. Scalp
      1. Scaly circumscribed patches on the scalp
      2. Base of hair shafts are invaded by spores of the fungus; causes hair to break off resulting in alopecia
      3. Spreads in a circular pattern
      4. Detected by Wood's lamp (fluoresces green at base of the affected hair shafts)
    2. Skin: red-ringed patches of vesicles; pain, scaling, itching
  3. Nursing interventions
    1. Prevention: isolate from known infected persons.
    2. Apply antifungal ointment as ordered.
    3. Administer oral griseofulvin as ordered.