Diaper Rash

  1. General information
    1. Contact dermatitis
    2. Plastic/rubber pants and linings of disposable diapers exacerbate the condition by prolonging contact with moist, warm environment; skin is further irritated by acidic urine
    3. May also be caused by sensitivity to laundry soaps used
  2. Medical management: exposure of skin to air/heat lamp
  3. Assessment findings
    1. Erythema/excoriation in the perineal area
    2. Irritability
  4. Nursing interventions
    1. Keep area clean and dry; clean with mild soap and water after each stool and as soon as child urinates.
    2. Take off diaper and expose area to air during the day.
    3. Use heat lamp as ordered.
    4. Provide client teaching and discharge planning concerning
      1. Proper hygiene/infant care
      2. Diaper laundering methods
      3. Need to avoid use of plastic pants or disposable diapers with a plastic lining
      4. Need to avoid use of cornstarch (a good medium for bacteria once it becomes wet)
      5. Need to avoid use of commercially prepared diaper wipes since they contain chemicals and alcohol, which may be irritating