- General information
- A group of bleeding disorders where there is a deficit of one of several factors in clotting mechanism
- Sex-linked, inherited disorder; classic form affects males only
- Types
- Hemophilia A: factor VIII deficiency (75% of all hemophilia)
- Hemophilia B (Christmas disease): factor IX deficiency (10%-12% of all hemophilia)
- Hemophilia C: factor XI deficiency (autosomal recessive, affects both sexes)
- Only the intrinsic system is involved; platelets are not affected, but fibrin clot does not always form; bleeding from minor cuts may be stopped by platelets.
- If individual has less than 20%-30% of factor VIII or IX, there is an impairment of clotting and clot is jelly-like.
- Bleeding in neck, mouth, and thorax requires immediate professional care.
- Assessment findings
- Prolonged bleeding after minor injury
- At birth after cutting of cord
- Following circumcision
- Following IM immunizations
- Following loss of baby teeth
- Increased bruising as child learns to crawl and walk
- Bruising and hematomas but no petechiae
- Peripheral neuropathies (due to bleeding near peripheral nerves): pain, paresthesias, muscle atrophy
- Hemarthrosis
- Repeated bleeding into a joint results in a swollen and painful joint with limited mobility
- May result in contractures and possible degeneration of joint
- Knees, ankles, elbows, wrists most often affected
- Diagnostic tests
- Platelet count normal
- Prolonged coagulation time: PTT increased
- Anemia
- Nursing interventions
- Control acute bleeding episode.
- Apply ice compress for vasoconstriction.
- Immobilize area to prevent clots from being dislodged.
- Elevate affected extremity above heart level.
- Provide manual pressure or pressure dressing for 15 minutes; do not keep lifting dressing to check for bleeding status.
- Maintain calm environment to decrease pulse.
- Avoid sutures, cauterization, aspirin: all exacerbate bleeding.
- Administer hemostatic agents as ordered.
- fibrin foam
- topical application of adrenalin/epinephrine to promote vasoconstriction
- Provide care for hemarthrosis.
- Immobilize joint and control acute bleeding.
- Elevate joint in a slightly flexed position.
- Avoid excessive handling of joint.
- Administer analgesics as ordered; pain relief will minimize increases in pulse rate and blood loss.
- Aspirin should not be given because it inhibits platelet function.
- Instruct to avoid weight bearing for 48 hours after bleeding episode if bleeding is in lower extremities.
- Provide active or passive ROM exercises after bleeding has been controlled (48 hours), as long as exercises do not cause pain or irritate trauma site.
- Administer cryoprecipitate (frozen factor VIII) as ordered.
- Thaw slowly.
- Gently rotate bottle; shaking deteriorates antihemophilic factor.
- Infuse immediately when thawed; factor VIII deteriorates at room temperature.
- Provide client teaching and discharge planning concerning
- Prevention of trauma (see Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura)
- Genetic counseling
- when mother is carrier: 50% chance with each pregnancy for sons to have hemophilia, 50% chance with each pregnancy for daughters to be carriers
- when father has hemophilia, mother is normal: no chance for children to have disease, but all daughters will be carriers
- Availability of support/counseling agencies
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
hematologic disorder
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hematologic disorder
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