Primary Lesions of the Skin

  1. Macule: a flat, circumscribed area of color change in the skin without surface elevation, up to 2 cm in diameter
  2. Papule: a circumscribed solid and elevated lesion, up to 1 cm in size
  3. Nodule: a solid, elevated lesion extending deeper into the dermis, 1-2 cm in diameter
  4. Wheal: a slightly irregular, transient superficial elevation of the skin with a palpable margin (e.g., hive)
  5. Vesicle: circumscribed elevated lesion filled with serous fluid, less than 1 cm in diameter
  6. Bulla: a vesicle larger than 1 cm in diameter
  7. Pustule: a vesicle or bulla containing purulent exudate