Cancer of the Prostate

  1. General information
    1. Second most common cause of cancer deaths in American males over age 55
    2. Usually an adenocarcinoma; growth related to the presence of androgens
    3. Spreads from the prostate to the seminal vesicles, urethral mucosa, bladder wall, external sphincter, and lymphatic system
    4. Highest incidence is in African American men age 60 or over
    5. Cause is unknown
  2. Medical management
    1. Drug therapy: estrogens, chemotherapeutic agents
    2. Radiation therapy
    3. Surgery: radical prostatectomy
  3. Assessment findings: same as for BPH above but diagnostic test results are
    1. Elevated acid phosphatase (distant metastasis) and alkaline phosphatase (bone metastasis)
    2. Bone scan: abnormal in metastatic areas
  4. Nursing interventions
    1. Administer medications as ordered and provide care for the client receiving chemotherapy
    2. Provide care for the client receiving radiation therapy.
    3. Provide care for the client with a prostatectomy.