- General information
- Inflammation of the vessel wall with formation of a clot (thrombus); may affect superficial or deep veins.
- Most frequent veins affected are the saphenous, femoral, and popliteal.
- Can result in damage to the surrounding tissues, ischemia, and necrosis.
- Risk factors: obesity, CHF, prolonged immobility, MI, pregnancy, oral contraceptives, trauma, sepsis, cigarette smoking, dehydration, severe anemias, venous cannulation, complication of surgery
- Medical management
- Anticoagulant therapy
- Heparin
- blocks conversion of prothrombin to thrombin and reduces formation or extension of thrombus
- side effects: spontaneous bleeding, injection site reactions, ecchymoses, tissue irritation and sloughing, reversible transient alopecia, cyanosis, pain in arms or legs, thrombocytopenia
- Warfarin (coumadin)
- blocks prothrombin synthesis by interfering with vitamin K synthesis
- side effects
- GI: anorexia, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, stomatitis
- hypersensitivity: dermatitis, urticaria, pruritus, fever
- other: transient hair loss, burning sensation of feet, bleeding complications
- Surgery
- Vein ligation and stripping (see Thrombophlebitis)
- Venous thrombectomy: removal of a clot in the iliofemoral region
- Plication of the inferior vena cava: insertion of an umbrella-like prosthesis into the lumen of the vena cava to filter incoming clots
- Assessment findings
- Pain in the affected extremity
- Superficial vein: tenderness, redness, induration along course of the vein
- Deep vein: swelling, venous distension of limb, tenderness over involved vein, positive Homan's sign, cyanosis
- Elevated WBC and ESR
- Diagnostic tests
- Venography (phlebography): increased uptake of radioactive material
- Doppler ultrasonography: impairment of blood flow ahead of thrombus
- Venous pressure measurements: high in affected limb until collateral circulation is developed
- Nursing interventions
- Provide bed rest, elevating involved extremity to increase venous return and decrease edema.
- Apply continuous warm, moist soaks to decrease lymphatic congestion.
- Administer anticoagulants as ordered
- Heparin
- monitor PTT; dosage should be adjusted to keep PTT between 1.5-2.5 times normal control level.
- use infusion pump to administer IV heparin.
- ensure proper injection technique.
- use 26- or 27-gauge syringe with 1/2-5/8-in needle, inject into fatty layer of abdomen above iliac crest.
- avoid injecting within 2 inches of umbilicus.
- insert needle at 90° to skin.
- do not withdraw plunger to assess blood return.
- apply gentle pressure after removal of needle, avoid massage.
- assess for increased bleeding tendencies (hematuria; hematemesis; bleeding gums; petechiae of soft palate, conjunctiva, retina; ecchymoses, epistaxis, bloody sputum, melena) and instruct patient to observe for and report these.
- have antidote (protamine sulfate) available.
- instruct client to avoid aspirin, antihistamines, and cough preparations containing glyceryl guaiacolate, and to obtain physician's permission before using other OTC drugs.
- Warfarin (Coumadin)
- assess PT daily; dosage should be adjusted to maintain PT at 1.5-2.5 times normal control level; INR of 2.
- obtain careful medication history (there are many drug-drug interactions).
- advise client to withhold dose and notify physician immediately if bleeding or signs of bleeding occur (see Heparin, above).
- instruct client to use a soft toothbrush and to floss gently.
- have antidote (vitamin K) available.
- alert client to factors that may affect the anticoagulant response (high-fat diet or sudden increases in vitamin K-rich foods).
- instruct client to wear Medic-Alert bracelet.
- Assess vital signs every 4 hours.
- Monitor for chest pain or shortness of breath (possible pulmonary embolism).
- Measure thighs, calves, ankles, and instep every morning.
- Provide client teaching and discharge planning concerning
- Need to avoid standing, sitting for long periods; constrictive clothing; crossing legs at the knees; smoking; oral contraceptives
- Importance of adequate hydration to prevent hypercoagulability
- Use of elastic stockings when ambulatory
- Importance of planned rest periods with elevation of the feet
- Drug regimen
- Plan for exercise/activity
- begin with dorsiflexion of the feet while sitting or lying down
- swim several times weekly
- gradually increase walking distance
- Importance of weight reduction if obese
Saturday, May 24, 2008
cardiovascular disorder
This entry was posted on Saturday, May 24, 2008
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cardiovascular disorder
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