Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

  1. General information: process of externally supporting the circulation and respiration of a person who has had a cardiac arrest
  2. Nursing interventions: unwitnessed cardiac arrest
    1. Assess LOC.
      1. Shake victim's shoulder and shout.
      2. If no response, summon help.
    2. Position victim supine on a firm surface.
    3. Open airway.
      1. Use head tilt, chin lift maneuver.
      2. Place ear over nose and mouth.
        1. look to see if chest is moving.
        2. listen for escape of air.
        3. feel for movement of air against face.
      3. If no respiration, proceed to #4.
    4. Ventilate twice, allowing for deflation between breaths.
    5. Assess circulation: palpate for carotid pulse; if not present, proceed to #6.
    6. Initiate external cardiac compressions
      1. Proper placement of hands: lower half of the sternum
      2. Depth of compressions: 1 1/2-2 inches for adults
      3. One rescuer: 15 compressions (at rate of 80-100 per minute) with 2 ventilations
      4. Two rescuers: 5 compressions (at rate of 80-100 per minute) with 1 ventilation