Nihonggo course for nurses mulled

By Samuel Medenilla 

The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) is considering adding a Japanese language course in the pre-departure orientation of medical workers bound for Japan.
During a media conference, POEA Administrator Jennifer Jardin-Manalili said the proposal came from the Japanese government and will be discussed during the review of the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA) next year.
“One of the topics, which will be discussed in the review, is the request from the Japanese government to include pre-departure language training in the Philippines,” Manalili said.
She said Japan made the proposal after Filipino nurses and caregivers received a low passing rate in their licensure exam due to their difficulty in understanding the Nihonggo language or the character-based writing system used in the test.
Manalili said the POEA presented a counter-proposal requesting Japanese representatives in the review to consider conducting some parts of the six-month mandatory language training for medical practitioners in Japan here in the Philippines at their own cost to minimize the time of separation of the applicants with their families.
JPEPA is an elaborate bilateral economic investment cooperation pact signed by the Philippines with Japan in 2008.
Among the provisions included in the trade agreement is the reduction or elimination of tariffs to some exported products to the Philippines and a job order for nurses and caregivers. - via